PPC marketing or pay per click marketing is the most popular method of advertisement employed by various websites on the Internet. PPC marketing may often be referred to as pay for position, cost per click or pay for performance. But regardless of the term used, PPC marketing is the online advertiser's medium of choice for promoting products and services to online consumers.

PPC marketing is beneficial to both the advertiser and the consumer. Advertisers using PPC marketing only need to pay for the actual click throughs linked to their sites from search engines. At the same time as consumers are relieved of having to get annoying emails or pop-up ads for products and services.

When an online consumer searches for a specific product or service on the Internet, corresponding PPC marketing ads are also displayed alongside the results generated by the search engine. This forms a highly targeted consumer group that is more likely to purchase a specific product or service. In addition, websites get to limit their advertisement costs with the use of PPC marketing. PPC marketing is truly a winning solution for both parties.

Possible drawbacks of PPC marketing

Despite the obvious advantages of PPC marketing, there are possible drawbacks that can cancel out its benefits. One of the most common problems associated with PPC marketing is the inexperience of many people attempting to use this profitable advertisement method. Simply submitting PPC marketing ads to a search engine such as google, does not make up the entire campaign.

PPC marketing requires a calculated and systematic approach to setting up ads. PPC marketing involves the use of keywords and biddings in order to get top placement on a search engine. Getting top search engine placement helps boost traffic to a website that can easily translate into profit.

Without the necessary experience and knowledge to carry out a typical PPC marketing ad, may turn into an expensive campaign that does not convert into profit. PPC marketing ads also require continuous funding, as discontinued payments will also result in discontinued ads. This can be unfavorable for a website that has already built high rankings with their PPC marketing ads.

Bidding on keywords can also be quite costly, as the growing number of websites on the web struggle against each other to bid on the most popular keyword for their PPC marketing ad. Obviously small business websites are at a disadvantage here since big business websites are able to pay more for popular keywords related to their site. This is because most small businesses only set aside a small portion of their capital for advertisement, putting them at a disadvantage.

Running an effective PPC marketing campaign

There are a number of things that a website should consider when running an effective PPC marketing campaign. It is important to develop a marketing plan in order to get the most return on investment from PPC marketing. Selecting the most appropriate keywords that relate to the site's business is essential in PPC marketing.

However, simply choosing the most popular keywords does not necessarily translate into profit. Selecting more specific keywords that will put a site within the first ten results of a search also gets greater awareness from online consumers. In addition, it doesn't cost as much as getting the top spot for PPC marketing.

It is also important that a website constantly monitors the performance of their PPC marketing campaign. This will help the site modify any existing PPC marketing ad to make it more productive. At the same time any PPC marketing ad that has not proven effective can be immediately discontinued. Altering PPC marketing ads is a continuous process that many websites do in order to increase their return on investment.

Getting professional help with PPC marketing

The popularity of PPC marketing has given rise to professionals offering PPC marketing services for small and big businesses. Hiring a professional PPC marketing company is advisable for a small business without experience in PPC marketing. Most PPC marketing companies offer reasonable rates for their services and at the same time produce acceptable results.

A PPC marketing professional can attend to all the details commonly involved in a PPC marketing campaign. Handling a PPC marketing campaign is a time consuming process that can be overwhelming for a small business. A PPC marketing professional can help set up a PPC marketing campaign and later on train someone from within the business to handle it to ensure its continued success.

What is center? How do you choose to be centered, and why? In what ways can you develop a strong center?

centering,how to center oneself,aikido,managing emotions, anger management,deep breathing,conflict management,communication skills

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What is center? How do you choose to be centered, and why? In what ways can you develop a strong center?

As a student and instructor of the Japanese martial art Aikido, and as a professional speaker and trainer, I often present on this topic and, in addition, have made centering a life practice. I say practice, because that is what it takes to access the Center State on purpose.

Physically, the body's center of gravity is a point in the lower abdomen - but it is also much more. It's a quality of being that integrates body, mind and spirit: vitality increases, the senses are sharpened, and one is less affected by everyday irritations. The Japanese describe a centered person as having hara or strong ki, the inner quality that helps the student of Aikido develop to her fullest potential. Some say it is an attitude towards life, an ability to handle whatever may come. Athletes recognize the centered state as "the zone."

Center is a condition we can cultivate. Thomas Crum, author of Journey to Center, says, "Centering is the art of being fully alive. And wherever the art of centering is practiced, things change dramatically."

Centering Practice
To train in centering, the Aikidoist practices a relaxed posture and directs the weight of her body towards her physical center. She also breathes into her center to enhance the grace and economy of her movement. You can do the same.

Breathe deeply. Exhale slowly. Relax and direct the weight of your body toward your center point. Now, think of a situation later today where it will be especially helpful to be balanced, calm and self-assured. Make a mental note to center when the time comes.

By becoming skilled at identifying the centered state, you can learn to choose it. This is critical in those key moments when purposeful action is needed.

Write back and tell me how centering helps you!

...The title was perfect choice for the book. Here we have a very disturbed serial killer working as a cremator at the very graveyard where his beloved grandmother lay. Obsessed with her death, a twisted kind of religion, a benevolent hate for destitute people and being a loner, took a toll on him...

thriller, murder, serial killer, Florida, fiction

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Author, Margaret LeNois demonstrates excellent story-telling capabilities in her 272-page fiction novel, Cremator’s Revenge.

The title was perfect choice for the book. Here we have a very disturbed serial killer working as a cremator at the very graveyard where his beloved grandmother lay. Obsessed with her death, a twisted kind of religion, a benevolent hate for destitute people and being a loner, took a toll on him. It seemed, for a while at least, that refuge could be found in tending his beautiful gardens out in the Florida sunshine.

The author is brutally realistic and shows a true understanding of people in less privileged situations and the life circumstances that brought them there. We are shown how street people, or "streeters", survive the elements, avoid dangers and locate food. The huge benefits that the meals, clothes, showers and comfort that volunteers provide is a gift that cannot be measured for those who have no access to these things. The "streeters" creation of tight and protective substitute families, aid against the prejudice within society. And those that aim for greener pastures face huge challenges.

The heart-thumping pace is kept steady with the author’s skilled use of fear, righteous wrath and revenge - emotions that today’s society can relate to and on some level, even cheer. A tense romance triangle between a feisty reporter, a frustrated cop and a destitute military veteran really spices things up. There were sections of such chilling horror that I shivered, but couldn’t break away from reading just one more page.

I absolutely loved reading this psychological thriller and highly recommend it to readers who like a book that is hard to set down.

Did you watch the news on television today? Did you hear it on the radio? Did you happen to listen to your favorite talk radio show today? Watch a movie? A television show? Do you feel good because of it?

success, motivation, positive mental attitude

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Did you watch the news on television today? Did you hear it on the radio? Did you happen to listen to your favorite talk radio show today? Watch a movie? A television show? Do you feel good because of it?

What effect do these things have on us in our daily lives? Do they invoke a positive mental attitude? Probably not. The problem with the media in most formats today is that it is comprised of every negative image and idea that exists and is yet to exist.

Even a lot of the comedy shows have a negative message. Why is this?

How do we balance these negative messages in our lives? How do we counter the crap that is being fed to us? Do we immerse ourselves in motivational books and tapes? If not , maybe we should.

The healthy function of our minds is dependent upon input. If the only input that we have is negative, our output can tend to be negative as well. Garbage in, garbage out. My father used to warn me that the type of people that I surrounded my self with is the type of person I would become. He was right to a great degree. It is also true that the type of materials to which we expose our minds is the type of thinking that we will practice in our daily lives. Perhaps you question that logic, but let me go on.

When the mainstream media has been confronted in the past about the content of their shows, they claim that just because you watch a violent film, you won't become violent. This may be true, but as you continuously immerse yourself in violent content, you begin to become numb to the violence itself.

Such as that is, the more negative the constant input in your life, the harder it becomes to be positive or think positive thoughts. As an artist and a creative individual, I often need a bit of inspiration in my daily life. To get this inspiration, I look at other artists work. After a while I am influenced by what I have seen to create my own work.

The same can be said for a positive attitude. If we reach a point in our day when we feel like we can't go on with our work, sometimes all we need is a bit of inspiration to get back on track. Often this inspiration gives us that "a-ha" moment that we need to get back on the rails.

Now I am not saying that you should have a constant diet of positive attitude books and CD's. There are other things that can reinforce us in our daily tasks. Aside from personal development materials, there is also the development of our business or our skills. This type of information can be found in
books, magazines, on cd, dvd, cassette tapes or the internet.

Often when we learn more about our work and how to do it better, we are more successful at performing necessary tasks. This success in itself is empowering and can lead to a more positive attitude.

As we go through our day we should try to be aware of the influence that our surroundings are having on us. We should be careful to monitor the types of input that we are getting and balance it with as much positive material as possible. In doing this not only can we feel better about ourselves and our world, but we will also be more productive and feel happier at the same time.

Mime is a kind of theater arts where the performer depicts the whole theme with the help of action and without spelling a single word. Such kinds of performers are known as mummers. Other genre of dances like break dance has many steps inspired from mime, the most famous being Michael Jackson’s moonwalk. Clowns also undergo training in mime.

Like most of the theater arts, the reason behind the birth of this art is the Greek and Roman theaters. The history of the origin of mime can be dated back to the 3rd century BC’s Theater of Dionysus in Athens. At that time the mime wasn’t completely speechless as the modern mimes. Although there was some dialogue delivery, it was minimum and there was chorus, which is the key element of the theaters at that time. Mime artist were known as Phylakes at that time.

The stories were tragic at first with a moral lesson at the end. Some of the well-known mime writers were Epicharmus, Decimus Laberius, Pubilius Syrus, Herodas and Sophron. After the downfall of Roman Empire, the mime artists were part of the court performers all over Europe. They were known as Saltator or Mimus and this was how the word mime was derived. Sword swallowers, short drama actors, acrobats and jugglers were also known by the name Mimus. On the basis of this patented dumb roles were invented as the coward husband, forgetful old man and many others. They further grew as a non-silent comedy in the Italian theaters as the dumb show, British Pantomime, Masque and Italian commedia Dell’arte.

In the modern times there are primarily two categories of Mime. The first type is named Pantomime in which the whole emphasis is on the body as a whole along with facial expressions, gestures and body language. There is hardly any place for props in this kind of mime. Instead the objects are imagined and an illusion is created for the audience. Here the facial expressions and movement of the body is exaggerated.

The second type is Corporeal Mime. It was developed because of the effort of people like Jacques Lecoq and Etienne Decroux. Here the body is used to express something that even words cannot express. Emotions and thoughts were expressed so as to make the invisible visible. This is done not by just over doing the daily gestures but by discovering the range of human body to its fullness. The modernized version also includes elements of other theater arts like dialogues, puppetry and writing.

A mime is always presented with a painted face with more concentration on the lips and eyes, by highlighting them with red and black color, respectively. White gloves are a necessity as it is used to increase the visibility of the movements of the hand. The costumes consist of a black suit with white lining, suspenders and a black hat.

There are many other countries that have their own type of mime depending on their culture. The best example is the Indian classical dance. Mukhabinaya or face and eyes expression was a part of the Indian dance Natya Shastra original to Bharat Muni Theater, which is an Indian version of mime. It includes a vast vocabulary of hand gestures and stylized positions. Illusions are created by Mime that interprets an action, landscape, and living being. Sometimes song and music of the instruments or the lightning movement of the dancer’s feet support the mime performance.

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